God tells us that no one possess anything unless it is given from above (1 Chron 29:14; John 3:27). This means that everything that someone has is a gift of God’s grace and extended out of His unbounded abundance (Eph 2:8-9). In Scripture, God tells us that giving back to God keeps us grounded in His grace. So as humankind’s provider, God instructs us to give because it reminds us of His generosity as the recipients of Christ’s established salvation (2 Cor 9).
The Tithe: In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, God’s covenant people offered a tenth of their annual earnings for the care and instruction of the chosen people. God established this compulsory portion so His people were united in His purposed salvation (Deut 14:22ff and Matt 23:23). As such, tithing signifies not only that God is first in a person’s life but also that she wants to see God’s kingdom expand through the church as individuals are saved, healed, and transformed (Mal 3:10).
The Offering: The offering is a voluntary and celebratory gift that signifies one’s worship of God. It can be expressed in personal service and/or monetary ways aimed at advancing missions, i.e., outreach directed at people who lack a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Rom 12).
Ways to Give:
- By September 11, 2022, we will be able to receive physical collection of offerings during the Sunday morning services.
- Checks for Chilean funds can be made out to: Iglesia Presbiteriana San Marcos
- Internet transfers in Chilean Pesos can be made to:
- Scotiabank – Cuenta Corriente: 97-23033-56
- Name: Iglesia Presbiteriana San Marcos
- RUT: 74.437.800-1
- email: sanmarcoschurch@gmail.com
Or scan this QR code below:
Checks for US funds have two options:
1. Make check out to “Iglesia Presbiteriana San Marcos” – this will be deposited locally in San Marcos’ dollar account.
2. For US tax benefits, make your check out to: “Mission to the World,” designated for San Marcos Pastor/Facility Fund #90824 and can be placed in the offering plate or sent to:
Mission to the World
PO Box 744165
Atlanta, GA 30374-4165
***PLEASE NOTE: MTW deducts 7.5% of your donation***
Internet transfers in US Dollars have two options:
1. Scotiabank, cuenta corriente: 9097-23033-48,
name: Iglesia Presbiteriana San Marcos,
RUT: 74.437.800-1
email: sanmarcoschurch@gmail.com
2. For US tax benefits, go to MTW.ORG
It will come up “Chile Pastor Faculty Fund” That’s us! Enter your amount, check save and it will walk you through the steps to start automatic payments.