Women’s Interdenominational Bible Study

             It is a joy and privilege to share with you what our Great Lord God has done through the Women´s Interdenominational Bible Study in Santiago, Chile.  For 26 years, we have experienced the Lord work in mighty ways through this Bible study that was founded in August 1995 and aimed at international English speaking women in this city.  Across the years, our twofold purpose remains unchanged which is to glorify God by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, help women develop a personal relationship with Christ through a deeper knowledge of His word as we are transformed into His likeness.

              Presently, the Bible study averages 50 attendees, and over the years, women from 47 countries have participated in this Christ centered outreach.  Since its inception, the interdenominational fellowship has served 700 plus women and seen more than 120 ladies receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  As the ministry’s 27th year begins, the Bible study’s aim remains constant which is to grow women into mature Christians who not only bring God glory but also serve their families, churches, and communities as powerful missionaries.  So, please journey with us as our women’s group prepares to begin studying Galatians on March 9th for twelve weeks.

If you have questions, please contact Melinda Langsdorf at +56 9 9342 9762 or melindalangsdorf@gmail.com.


“Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.” Isaiah 26:12